Random seeds ------------ To create an image using these seeds, take the line corresponding to the circle in question and save it as a file named "metadata.txt" in that circle's source directory. Make sure the "main/main.pde" symlink points to "grow.pde", as that file has the main() routine that knows how to read this data. Once that's done, run the sketch. c01: -1155869325, -1154715079, -1155099828, -1157023572 c02: -1156638823, -1158562568, -1157793070, -1160486312 c03: -1154715079, -1158562568, -1160101563, -1159716814 c04: -1155869325, -1154715079, -1155099828, -1157023572 c05: -1156638823, -1158947317, -1160101563, -1167027043 c06: -1159716814, -1157023572, -1157408321, -1158562568 c07: -1154715079, -1148943845, -1150482841, -1167796541 c08: -1154715079, -1157023572, -1156638823, -1150867590 c09: -1156254074, -1157793070, -1150482841, -1170874532 c10: -1155869325, -1158562568, -1155099828, -1158947317 c11: -1155869325, -1155099828, -1157408321, -1156638823 c12: -1150482841, -1156638823, -1152406585, -1159716814 c13: -1160101563, -1154715079, -1156638823, -1158947317 c14: -1155869325, -1154715079, -1157023572, -1160101563 c15: -1155869325, -1154715079, -1159716814, -1160101563 c16: -1158562568, -1158947317, -1157793070, -1158177819 c17: -1156638823, -1157793070, -1150482841, -1152791334 c18: -1157408321, -1154715079, -1155099828, -1157023572 c19: -1155869325, -1155099828, -1159716814, -1149713343 c20: -1159716814, -1158947317, -1149328594, -1160101563 c21: -1159716814, -1150098092, -1155099828, -1160486312 c22: -1154715079, -1157408321, -1158177819, -1158947317 c23: -1157408321, -1158947317, -1160101563, -1159716814 c24: -1160101563, -1159716814, -1148559096, -1158562568 c25: -1153176083, -1172028779, -1154330330, -1153560832 c26: -1155869325, -1154715079, -1159716814, -1160101563 c27: -1155869325, -1155099828, -1154330330, -1153560832 c28: -1159716814, -1149713343, -1156254074, -1148943845 c29: -1155869325, -1155099828, -1149328594, -1156638823 c30: -1159716814, -1148559096, -1156638823, -1160101563 c31: -1155869325, -1171259281, -1156638823, -1161640559 c32: -1167796541, -1150098092, -1156638823, -1158177819 c33: -1153945581, -1150098092, -1160486312, -1158177819 c34: -1159716814, -1160101563, -1159332065, -1150098092 c35: -1155869325, -1154715079, -1155099828, -1157023572 c36: -1157408321, -1150482841, -1152021836, -1159716814 c37: -1155869325, -1148943845, -1160101563, -1157793070 c38: -1158562568, -1160101563, -1149328594, -1159716814 c39: -1157793070, -1154715079, -1155099828, -1157023572 c40: -1157408321, -1157793070, -1160101563, -1153176083 c41: -1156638823, -1148943845, -1155099828, -1160486312 c42: -1173952524, -1163564303, -1183571246, -1160101563 c43: -1155869325, -1156254074, -1155099828, -1157408321 c44: -1077765299, -1172798277, -1089692515, -1151252339 c45: -1153176083, -1160101563, -1152406585, -1172798277 c46: -1160486312, -1161255810, -1169335537, -1181262753 c47: -1174722021, -1193189969, -1161640559, -1160486312 c48: -1157023572, -1156254074, -1153945581, -1149713343 c49: -1155869325, -1148559096, -1156638823, -1159716814 c50: -1158177819, -1153176083, -1159716814, -1150867590